Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leveraging Your Time-Part 2

All too often we assume that wealth creation comes from winning the lottery of life - it's only meant for super-talented people ... or super-blessed people...but it's certainly not meant for average people, like you and me.
We must not buy in to that line of limited thinking. That's garbage thinking, and we need to throw that kind of negative thinking out with the trash, starting right now!
The truth is that most people assume they can't create wealth when, in fact, they can! The real
reason most people don't create true wealth is because they 've never been made aware of a wealth creating- system they can copy. In other words, most of us have bought into copycatting the wrong plan. Because we aren't aware of a wealth-building model to copy, we copy what every-one else we know is doing - we take a job! We do most people do... and as a result, we get what most people get!
Please understand that I am NOT knocking jobs. I'm knocking the RESULTS we get from working at a job. If jobs created true wealth, I 'd be the first person to tell you to follow the job track. But they don't-that's just the cold hard reality of it all!
Truth is, you will never create true wealth as long as you are copycatting the income creation system because it is based on linear growth as opposed to wealth creation, which is based on leveraged growth.
In the next post we will take a closer look at the limitations of linear growth, and we 'll discuss why we need to start copycatting leveraged systems if we are sincere about becoming totally free by creating true wealth.
Happy reading, comments welcome, please

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