Leveraging your money is not the only tried-and true way to create true wealth. The other way to lcreate true wealth is to leverage your time by investing it, istead of wasting it.
We 've all used the expression, Time is money, havn't we? Well, due to the power of leverage, that axiom is truer today than ever before! It is obvious that we do NOT all have the same amount of money.But it's equally obvious that we all DO have the same amount of time.Now, I want you to understandnthat this article is not about investing your money to create wealth. It is about investing your time to create wealth because time equals money when you invest it properly!
It doesn't make any difference whether a person is a billionaire or a begger, we all have access to the same amount of time: 24 hours in a day ...168 hours in a week....672 hours in a month...8,064 hours in a year.
The key to wealth creation is NOTcreating more time, which is impossible. The key is to take full advantage of the time we have, wouldn't you agree?
Fortunately for all of us, today there is a way to leverage some of our time (which we all have an equal amount of) to create true wealth, instead of leveraging our money (which most of us have very little of).
Fortunately, today there is a leveraged system where you can trade a little time for a lot of dollars ....instead of of linear system where you trade a lot of time for little dollars.
Fortunately, today there is a simple, duplicatable system for leveraging your time and efforts that virtually anyone can copycat.
( to be continued in my next blog, until then bye for now)
waiting for the next part..